First take on mill CPO reported carbon footprint
Are you interested in the carbon footprint of the palm products you are buying? Check out PalmTrack’s review of tCO2E per tCPO! We have ranked a selection of 77 larger mills of major and significant plantation groups, across key geographies from low (negative) to higher emissions risk.
This first listing covers 3,000 MT/hour of mill processing capacity, RSPO certified area of over 900,000 hectares and over 12.5 million FFB tonnes/year for over est. 2.5 million tonnes of CSPO. Ok, so it’s not exactly GHG Protocol yet, but it is a good start and based on a consistent methodology (and covers LUC emissions, FFB production, field fuel, fertiliser, N20, conservation area, crop sequestration, mill) but please note we are not fully certain about allocation to products. While most mills declare this against two products, some report against four. We’ll look into this next! Email us at if you’re interested in a fuller listing! | 9 May 2023