Singapore moves on "haze-free" products - apart from wood, paper makers, SEC plans to work with others such as palm oil industry

14 October 2015: Singapore moves on "haze-free" supply chain for wood and paper trader and makers. Supermarkets pull products.

Editor's note: APP has been in spotlight, but expects to meet pulp demand without clearing more forest, refer to write-up of independent assessment by TFT on associated Greenpeace approach:

Another 20 firms sign 'haze-free' declaration - NTUC FairPrice's staff removing Asia Pulp and Paper (APP)-related products from shelves at the supermarket chain's outlet at Nex mall in Serangoon on Oct 7, 2015.  NTUC FairPrice's staff removing Asia Pulp and Paper (APP)-related products from shelves at the supermarket chain's outlet at Nex mall in Serangoon on Oct 7, 2015. ST PHOTO: LIM YAOHUI  Published Oct 13, 2015, 5:00 am SGT Twenty more firms have declared that their products are free of raw materials from Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), which is under investigation over its connection to the haze. This brings the number of firms that have signed the Singapore Environment Council's (SEC) declaration form to 38. The latest firms to sign are those that sell wood-related products under the SEC's green label scheme. The online declaration form was sent to 210 firms in the wood-related product trade last weekend, said the SEC and the Consumers Association of Singapore in a joint statement yesterday. It was sent to    companies earlier this month, including major supermarket chain FairPrice and APP's exclusive distributor here, Universal Sovereign Trading. The move led several retail chains to pull APP products off their shelves.....SMF secretary-general Lam Joon Khoi told The Straits Times yesterday that the SEC approached the federation two weeks ago with the idea. The appeals were sent out last week and responses are trickling in. He said: "It's not something that we expect them to change overnight, but at least we have started the journey. "We really need to tighten the screws and increase the pressure to encourage firms to buy from more sustainable companies. "Some have said this will increase their costs. But my point to them is that we already pay a high price for the effects of the haze....Last month, the National Environment Agency served APP a legal notice to supply information on its subsidiaries in Singapore and in Indonesia. Six other Indonesian firms have been sent a notice asking them to take measures to  extinguish fires on their land, not to start new ones, and submit action plans on how they will prevent future fires. The sixth firm, PT Bumi Andalas Permai, was sent the notice yesterday.....

More firms on board for 'haze-free' declaration Oct 8, 2015, 5:00 am SGT - Jessica Lim  Consumer Correspondent - Apart from wood, paper makers, SEC plans to work with others such as palm oil industry....There are other complications, said SEC's head of eco-certification Kavickumar Muruganathan. Retailers here typically obtain the rights to sell a product from distributors, which then arrange with overseas manufacturers to import the stock. "Manufacturers might own plantations, but some strike deals with landowners on the side to use their land. Some also ask other suppliers to sell the fruit to them on an ad hoc basis if demand spikes," he said, adding that errant firms pay farmers to use their land for oil palm. On paper, the land is owned by the farmer and the firm is not implicated. There is also no map of land ownership available, making the task of pinpointing the owners of a plantation difficult. However, Nanyang Technological University's Professor Ang Peng Hwa, who co-founded the Haze Elimination Act on Team volunteer group, urged retailers to stop "putting up a smokescreen". "It is true it can be difficult. But retailers have to ask suppliers to show them certification," said Prof Ang. "Consumers also have a role to play to demand higher standards."....

Haze fallout: NTUC FairPrice, Sheng Siong withdraw all APP paper products - Additionally, Cold Storage says it has suspended further purchase of APP-related products while Watsons Singapore has confirmed that it does not stock such brands as Paseo, Jolly and Nice.   UPDATED: 09 Oct 2015 21:23

Singapore and Malaysia Wheeze as Indonesia Goodwill Hammered by Haze - The strongest El Nino in two decades may prolong the dry weather, meaning the haze could remain for some time yet  by Pooi Koon Chong  October 7, 2015 — 9:53 AM HKT

At PIPOC 2015 in Kuala Lumpur

Editor's note: We're at PIPOC 6-8 October 2015. Will put up news link and a few shots and notes.

Link to conference website:

Malaysia looks to maintain palm oil stocks at 2m tonnes: Unggah  6 October 2015 @ 12:46 PM;  KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia hopes to maintain palm oil stocks at about two million tonnes from the 2.49 million tonnes recorded as at end-Sept by implementing replanting incentives and minimising imports. Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said the replanting incentives, to be implemented on Oct 1, aims to reduce by 83,000 hectares, the area planed with oil palm and drop production by 250,000 tonnes. “We will also minimise palm oil exports until our stocks reach about two million tonnes. This is a temporary measure and we do not have a timeline for the target.

Notes and photos

Minister Uggah Embas talks of implementation target for MSPO by 2020 and harmonisation with Indonesia policy.

Minister Uggah Embas says TPPA will benefit Malaysia palm oil via better access to USA, Canada and other member markets.
Plenary lecture by Carl Bek Nielsen of need to embrace sustainability for sake of the industry. Poor people deserve a right to palm oil development that offers a middle class opportunity. Need to stop the polarising debate and uninformed rhetoric. Cost of inaction now raises cost of action in future. Support RSPO, MSPO, ISPO....

Plenary talk by Dr James Fry of LMC

Information on MSPO

Market access and voluntary standards news: Indonesia Coordinating Economic Minister worries voluntary corporate pledges jeapordise small farmer prospects; RSPO Next and RSPO NPP public consultations

Why care about new policies at voluntary standards? Voluntary standards have become de facto international trade policies that are increasingly affecting market access. The accession of palm oil's giant companies and its heavily concentrated processor-trader segment are driving market change. Is your company at the forefront of adoption and involved in this policy making? Are you a close follower? Will lagging take-up affect who you can sell to or buy from in the future? Buyers - do you need to switch or lock in suppliers? Growers - do you worry if you may face price discounting issues in the future? The "complexification" of sustainability is widely expected to prop up any premiums and market powers. Keep an eye on this!

30 August 2015: Indonesia Coordinating Economic Minister worries voluntary corporate pledges jeapordise small farmer prospects

Govt opposes zero-deforestation pledge by palm oil firms Hans Nicholas Jong, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Headlines | Sat, August 29 2015, 6:21 PM; In stark contrast to Indonesia’s commitment to reduce rampant deforestation, the government has surprisingly become a vocal opponent of a “zero deforestation” pledge signed by the four biggest palm oil companies in Indonesia.The Office of the Coordinating Economic Minister said on Friday that the pledge would jeopardize the country’s palm oil industry, currently the biggest in the world, as it puts restrictions on small farmers.“Oil palm plantations are the livelihoods of many of our people. The most effective driver of economic growth is through oil palm plantations,” the office's deputy for food and agriculture coordination Musdhalifah Machmud said on Friday......

19 August 2015: Public consultations on RSPO Next and RSPO New Planting Procedure

Editor's note: Thanks to reader TG for alerting on two new public consultations at the RSPO. There is the voluntary add-on addendum -  seen by experts as a necessary catch up with the "no peat, no deforestation, no exploitation" shift seen since December 2013 led by Wilmar and other plantation giants. It's also expected by key global buyers, who tell us that the (current) "RSPO is not good enough."  RSPO NPP is its de facto HCS policy. Look forward to reader feedback on these.

Announcement: Public Consultation on RSPO NEXT - by 6 October 2015
Public Consultation on RSPO NEXT, a voluntary add on program to the RSPO P&C Certification.
RSPO NEXT was developed by a Working Group of a cross section of Board of Governors members comprised of Growers, Processors & Traders, Retailers, Social and Environmental NGO’s.  The group developed guidance on the themes of No Deforestation, No Fire, No Planting on Peat, Reduction of GHGs, Respect for Human Rights and Transparency.


Also relevant: HCS+ Science Study proposes strong carbon threshold? Update 2b - On the peat / organic soil question

Trade deals: Via TPP, Malaysia ready for environmental step up for US market access, but the US-oriented geopolitical deal stumbles ("as important as another US aircraft carrier").

Talks for Pacific Trade Deal Stumble By JONATHAN WEISMAN JULY 31, 2015; LAHAINA, Hawaii — Trade negotiators from the United States and 11 other Pacific nations failed to reach final agreement on Friday, with difficult talks on the largest regional trade agreement ever deadlocking over protections for drug companies and access to agriculture markets on both sides of the Pacific....Vietnam, Malaysia and New Zealand were willing to make significant concessions to gain access to United States markets.... ...Canada would not budge on opening its poultry and dairy markets. Chile... saw no reason to compromise, especially on its demand for a short window of protection for United States pharmaceutical giants. Australia’s delegation insisted that pharmaceutical market protections beyond five years would never get through Parliament... Mexico’s secretary of economy, was defiant on the hard line he took against the export of Japanese cars with any less than 65 percent of their parts from T.P.P. countries....The bright spot might have been the environmental negotiations... cover illegal wildlife trafficking, forestry management, overfishing and marine protection, and it could prove to be a landmark, setting a new floor for all future multilateral accords....Environmentally destructive subsidies, such as cheap fuel to power illegal fishing vessels and governmental assistance for boat making in overfished waters, are banned....Failure to comply ... potentially culminating in trade sanctions. United States negotiators hope that just the threat of economic sanctions will bolster relatively weak environmental ministries in countries like Peru, Malaysia and Vietnam....The impact of the Pacific accord’s environmental chapter could be broad, both for the nations in the deal and those outside. The 12 participating countries account for more than a quarter of the global seafood trade and about a quarter of the world’s timber and pulp production. Five of the countries rank among the world’s most biologically diverse countries.... Some, like Vietnam and Malaysia, have long been on the watch list for illegal wildlife trafficking...

Other links:

HCS+ Science Study proposes strong carbon threshold? Update 2b - On the peat / organic soil question

source: Screenshots from HCS Science Study Draft Synthesis Report

Source: Images from HCS Science Study Draft Synthesis Report
with annotations by Khor Reports palm oil blog on key policy features

Key points include:
  • The Sustainable Palm Oil Manifesto’s**  HCS+ Science Study "Draft Synthesis Report" proposes oil palm development threshold ceiling for development and a traffic light warning system:  
  •           Green / “may develop” zone is AGB 35-40tC/ha or better (being oil palm equivalent and requiring socio-econ benefits)
  •           Amber / “may develop if” zone (requiring more local socio-econ benefits) is AGB 35-40 to 50tC/ha. Offsets involved? 
  •           Red / no development zone (not allowed even if there are socio-econ benefits) is AGB 50 tC/ha and above
  • It seeks to protect “advanced growth secondary forests” which typically has AGB of 100t/ha (50tC/ha) and more after 20 years. Thus, no matter what the local socio-economic benefit, the target is that 20 year old tropical trees should be protected.
  • For AGB measurement, the LIDAR method is proposed. The cost estimate is $2.50 to $4 per ha; for 10,000 ha that is $25,000 to $40,000.

  • It has a separate and additional soil carbon protection criteria. The threshold is set at 75 tC/ha equivalent . This means max 12.5 cm depth for tropical peat lands and max 12.5 cm to 37.5 cm for tropical organic soils. Experts say there are no major zones of non-peat organic soils in Malaysia, although there are some coastal (non peat) wetlands. Some sustainability specialists note that this would restrict oil palm planting on organic matter rich mineral soils – possibly, newly deforested zones may have such a layer of organic matter? Also, this may strongly affect the ability to replant oil palm in peat zones i.e. no replanting? (Editor's note, 9 July: some consultants are surprised that the palm oil industry expected to replant on peat land
** Key palm oil companies: Asian Agri, Cargill, IOI Corp, KL Kepong, Musim Mas, Sime Darby, Wilmar;  A steering committee (SC), independently co-chaired by Founder Director of Forum for the Future, Sir Jonathon Porritt, and Chief Research Scientist from Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Dr John Raison, has been established to oversee the HCS Study. Members of the Steering Committee represent key players in the palm oil value chain which includes the signatories of the Manifesto as well as Wilmar International. They are joined by independent economic advisor for the agribusiness sector, Dr James Fry, Chairman of LMC International, who lends his expertise in international commodities to the process. Observers include representatives from the RSPO, Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), Neste Oil and several other organizations (in the process of joining) who will actively contribute to ensure a transparent, objective and holistic approach...
The threshold – ceilings for agriculture development:
     Above Ground Biomass or AGB + Below Ground Biomass or BGB (i.e. roots) + dead wood
     With this total divided by two to get to carbon per hectare C/ha measure.
     Thus: (100 + 100* 0.25 + 100* 0.25) / 2 = c.75 tC/ha ceiling for any development.
It is handy to refer to already familiar measures used by the RSPO GHG WG and also the TFT / Greenpeace HCS Approach. They do not include measure of BGB roots and litter or dead wood; and both have mentioned 35tC/ha as palm oil equivalent#.
# RSPO has a New Planting Procedure GHG emissions reduction policy where differential values prompt plantation developers to reduce their use of HCS zones. The traceability regimes under TFT/Greenpeace have stepped down from the 35tC/ha starting point; and plantation sustainability specialists reckon that the effective ceiling is a higher figure c. 70-90 tC/ha. Some background here: “Manifesto 5 stepping up efforts (update 5): The tussle over HCS and 35tC/ha” 7 October 2014: So what was the 35tC/ha ceiling? In our talks to specialists, that is the life-time average carbon of the oil palm tree (it is referred to in a key RSPO working group document too); thus NGOs said that to be carbon neutral in some sense, oil palms should not be developed in forested areas with more than its own above ground carbon value. Of course, even the oil palm carbon measure is contested - do you include the fronds, fresh fruit bunches and ground cover etc? You may also ask why a crop is compared to trees - some say that may have been inadvertently abetted by some in the industry claiming that the oil palm is as good as a (forest) trees in the first place. Thus, solidifying the tree basis of comparison (which does not apply to other oilseed crops?)…. So what will be the basis of "no deforestation"? A higher ceiling? Earlier, some spoke of 100tC/ha as a possibility. Some stepped up pledges have added parameters, such as Wilmar's (via a TFT traceability program) which has a multi-year no human use caveat. Individual B2B traceability programs may have varying parameters compared to the multi-stakeholder efforts such as the RSPO-based… Read more, /khorreports-palmoil/2014/09/high-carbon-stock-studies-underway.html And “Over 1000tc/ha carbon stock in one oil palm cycle,” 20 Nov 2013, /khorreports-palmoil/2013/11/over-1000tcha-carbon-stock-in-one-oil.html - if you divide 1000 / 25 years (of the economic life of the oil palm tree) to reach the average of 40tC/ha for oil palm equivalent. Notably, some point to a measure higher than 1000 for the oil palm cycle.

On AGB terms, the HCS+ Science Study proposes a (hard?) ceiling for development at 50 tC/ha for any corporate and corporate-led smallholder development as "conversion not allowed even if local / sub-national benefits arise” in this red / no-go zone. This appears relatively tough. The TFT/Greenpeace HCS Approach is reckoned by some experts to be operationalised at c. 70tC/ha plus*.
*but some differences of opinion highlight the important ambiguities existing 

source: Screenshots from HCS Science Study Draft Synthesis Report
The HCS+ Science Study continues firmly in the tradition that palm oil sustainability is rooted in forestry conservation principles. This was established at the RSPO and also used at TFT/Greenpeace. Specialists point to their origins in the Forest Stewardship Council’s definition and approaches.
So what trees does the HCS+ Science Study seek to protect? “Advanced growth secondary forests”:  these are forests have an AGB of 100t/ha and more. Divide by two (to get to C), you reach the AGB 50tC/ha apparent hard ceiling of no development (no matter what the local socio-economic benefit) to protect 20 year old tropical trees (accumulating 5 tonnes C per year).
What is soil 75 tC/ha equivalent to in range of depth terms? Est. 12.5 cm depth for tropical peat. “a typical tropical peatland has per ha a carbon stock of 6 tons per cm of peat depth. A lower soil carbon threshold of 40 t C ha-1 (the ‘palm oil equivalent’) then translates in a peat layer of 6.7 cm thick”; 122. This means that tropical organic soils always surpass an uppermost 75 t C threshold value when they have an organic layer of more than 37.5 cm thickness, whatever its organic matter content may be, and mostly this is achieved with a thickness of 12.5 cm.
source: Screenshots from HCS Science Study Draft Synthesis Report

The comments below focus on the threshold implications for socio-economic development. It also offers preliminary feedback from several senior industry experts on technical issues and macro trends. Clearly, myriad questions as well as overlapping concerns about an apparent policy halt for oil palm development.

As of 10 July 2015 (update 2), feedback below compiled from 11 people. Please send us your feedback, but more importantly do contribute to the Public Consultation on this Report (Feedback Form:

Socio-economic issues:
source: Screenshots from HCS Science Study Draft Synthesis Report
  1. While the wording suggests no corporate-led smallholder development would be allowed in red zones, it is not clear if state-led (non-private sector corporations) smallholder development and independent smallholder development would be acceptable.
  2. It is so far silent on what a 50tC/ha ceiling looks like in say Papua or West Africa. What is the population in red / no development zones and what are their current incomes and aspirations? What happens to the people residing therein? Can they plant other crops or undertake other economic activities? Does this point to out-migration?
  3. The amber zone (corporate development allowed conditional upon including “major local / sub-national benefits” to local peoples) is set at a range of AGB 35-40 to 50 tC/ha, and corporate plantation development is green lighted (“provided that local / sub-national benefits arise”) if it is below the oil palm equivalent of AGB 35-40 tC/ha. What implementers will be asking: what are acceptable “major local benefits” (amber HCS zone) and what are “local benefits” (green HCS zone).
  4. Industry is surprised that the HCS+ Science Study proposes the same thresholds across all global geographies. Perhaps this is because climate science policy has been its focus so far, while socio-economic implications have yet to be undergo modelling and sensitivity analysis. There had been an expectation that different thresholds would apply to create room for West Africa development, so the red / no-go zone of AGB 50tC/ha for Africa smallholder development seems a surprise.
  5. Test modelling of these proposals would be useful, to find out what the proposed AGB 50tC/ha threshold mean in key future oil palm zones – does it set aside 50%, 60%, 70% or 80% of a region for forest conservation?
  6. While plantation groups and others in the supply-chain are keen to set an “orderly (global) oil palm development policy,” there will be local impacts and local questions. What happens to the people residing in the “red / no development” zones? Can they grow other (tree) crops? What alternative development activity and income opportunity for them? Can they migrate to (and can they be absorbed in) zones set by HCS+ thresholds as green and amber?
  7. Update 1, 9 July: Is there some caveat to cross into the red zone? Can this still be discussed or is this "draft" near final?
On technical issues:
  1. Do the assumed rates, including the 5 tonnes C accumulation per year need to be rechecked? Readers point out that it seems there was no time to do research, but that relies on existing scientific literature.
  2. Why is carbon from trees assumed immediately as emissions when in fact a significant portion of the timber may remain is in use (carbon fixing)? What about carbon in the oil palm FFB (whether on production basis or FFB stock in tree), and is the return of EFB to the field measured?
  3. Why LiDAR? There are more cost effective methods.
  4. If organic-rich (fertile) mineral soils are restricted in use, what is the implication on carbon emission if more fertilizers are needed to plant on less fertile mineral soils?
  5. "As a first reaction, I am very perturbed by Item 68 wherein a single paper by Cowenburg and Hoojer (2013) has been quoted as the basis for the proposition.  This paper is a follow-up to an earlier paper by Hoojer et al (2012), which is so full of technical weaknesses and unjustified assumptions ….  (it is a) questionable data source...." [Editor's note. HCS Science Study: Draft Synthesis Report, 68. Outcome 2: No development involving new or deeper drainage of peat and other highly organic soils. Emissions from drained peat upon conversion are very high (about 17 t C/ha/yr, or 425t C/ha over a 25 year period; Cowenburg and Hoojer, 2013). High emitting soils thus need to be identified and excluded from plantation development. We propose a soil carbon threshold that is expressed in terms of net emissions, and that is equivalent to the biomass threshold (75 t C/ha). The soil threshold thus allows a net loss of soil carbon of a maximum of 75 t/ha over the crop rotation]
  6. "The logic of certain assumptions and scientific justification of some of the quantitative figures need to be questioned/rebutted....”
  7. Update 1, 9 July: This HCS study figure differs from RSPO's 36 t C/ha. The hard threshold of 50 t C/ha appears too low and very little degraded forest will be available for oil palm especially if RSPO takes it up and backdates it to 2005. Does this study, take the starting point as the day the concession is taken over (or what cut-off date?). Why do the thresholds vary? Basically, consultants for oil palm biomass make different assumptions. Some assume oil palm carbon growth is a straight line and take a simple arithmetic mean. But, some argue otherwise i.e. oil palm grows very fast during the early years when there is no self-shading and competition before slowing down. Thus, the integration method (add up biomass for each year and divide by the number of years) works out a different mean value. The difference can be as high as 10 t C/ha. That is why RSPO got a figure of 36 t C/ha. [Editor's note: Cut-off dates matter as AGB carbon accumulates each year. However, we have heard that where there is divergence between AGB carbon between say the RSPO 2005 cut off and the current AGB carbon level, the higher of the two has been used (i.e. auditors are conservative). New programs such as TFT/Greenpeace traceability programs create new cut-off dates e.g. Wilmar's is in December 2013 versus RSPO's 2005 benchmark).
  8. Update 1, 9 July: Report looks rushed - some obvious errors. Can the Report clearly explain any data biases and ambiguities it may have. We need a better, more thorough and nuanced consideration of these. This reads as rather simplified. Has each data point been carefully considered? Is there a range of values? Are there enough appropriate data sources?
  9. Update 2, 10 July:  On the peat / organic soil question [Editor's note: Given reader interest in the peat  question, we reproduce below key excerpts about the peat and organic soil carbon problem and definitions from the Draft Synthesis Report. It seems that the main focus of the Report may be on peat having >45% OM. This can be contrasted with some plantation company policies which define peat as soil with >65% OM. Notably, plantations have not referred to organic-rich soils as being potentially unplantable; this appears to be defined as 20%-45% OM by the Report? The conclusion: "This means that all tropical peatlands, whatever their definition with respect to minimum peat thickness, surpass the uppermost HCS+ threshold value. Therefore, the HCS+ approach merely has to identify the presence of peatlands, not their total soil carbon stock." From item 120: "For the tropics, Wüst et al. (2003) distinguish between ‘peat’ (with > 45 % organic matter OM), ‘muck’ (35 % < x < 45 % OM), ‘organic-rich soil sediment’ (20 % < x < 35%) and ‘mineral soil or sediment’ (<20 % OM)...." - see below for more]. 
  10. Update 2b, 22 July: From a reader on RSPO definition and limitations of peat, "Tropical peat soils are defined in the RSPO Peat BMP Manual as organic soils with 65% or more organic matter and a depth of 50cm or more."

Other macro questions:
  1. Agriculture is said to account for 8% of anthropogenic (man-made) carbon emissions. How much comes from palm oil?
  2. By significantly slowing (possibly near halting?) palm oil with a 50tC/ha ceiling, what is aggregated impact after other oils expand? What about a carbon per tonne oil measure?
  3. "This appears biased towards killing off expansion of oil palm probably in favour of soyabean and rapeseed oil.  I do not agree with many things in the write-up.  Unfortunately, all the big players agreed to this study.  If we accept this, we might as well stop oil palm development...." Note: Perhaps it would be useful to look at tC per tonne oil (and other measures) for the next 10 million tonnes under different oil supply scenarios?
  4. "There is an ominous possibility that this may be developed later to affect replanting on mineral soils under the strategy of “HCS compensation” i.e. growers, notably the big 'boys', will be required  to set aside a significant area for high-intensity reforestation for continued (RSPO?) certification and market access.  In other words, the industry will not only cease to expand but also start to shrink... For peat, no new areas can possibly satisfy the stringent criteria and replanting of existing areas at the end of the current cycle can definitely be ruled out...."
  5. "Item 256 is particularly appalling.  If this is the ultimate conclusion, then the sociological considerations and propositions in the Report merely constitute a 'red herring' - a big one at that!  What I perceive is a very subtle strategy to push through a forestry-cum-peat conservation agenda right under the "noses" of the industry!  Overall, the HCS concept and strategy may well spell the death-knell for any legitimate expansion for the industry (anywhere)."  [Editor's note. HCS Science Study: Draft Synthesis Report, 256. All peat and other organic soils have to be excluded from conversion. All land with mineral soils, and an AGB < 100t/ha are eligible for conversion, unless drainage associated with their conversion would adversely affect the protection of adjacent peat and organic soils. [Editor's note: AGB < 100 t/ha is equivalent to AGB < 50 tC/ha]]
  6. "To me, the issue is where the threshold is set."
  7. Update 1, 9 July: The palm oil industry approach to NGO concerns is still evolving after all this time. It looks like another round of NGO criticisms of the big players.
This document is in public consultation, and you can read and submit your feedback by 31 July 2015 via these links:

Update 2, 10 July 2015 - on the peat / organic soil question

Editor's note: Given reader interest on the peat / organic soil question, we reproduce below key excerpts about the peat and organic soil carbon problem and definitions from the Draft Synthesis Report.  It seems that the main focus of the Report may be on peat having >45% OM. This can be contrasted with some plantation company policies which define peat as soil with >65% OM. Notably, plantations have not referred to organic-rich soils as being potentially unplantable; this appears to be defined as 20%-45% OM by the Report? The conclusion: "This means that all tropical peatlands, whatever their definition with respect to minimum peat thickness, surpass the uppermost HCS+ threshold value. Therefore, the HCS+ approach merely has to identify the presence of peatlands, not their total soil carbon stock."
From item 120: For the tropics, Wüst et al. (2003) distinguish between ‘peat’ (with > 45 % organic matter OM), ‘muck’ (35 % < x < 45 % OM), ‘organic-rich soil sediment’ (20 % < x < 35%) and ‘mineral soil or sediment’ (<20 % OM).

Excerpts from the Report

Brief primer on carbon storage and carbon dynamics in vegetation and soils; 8. The vulnerability of soil C stocks to loss following disturbance varies to a great extent. Loss from drained peat is very high whether caused by microbial oxidation or fire. Losses from microbial oxidation after drainage of peat are of the order of 17 t C/ha/yr. C losses from other (non-peat) organic rich soils can also be very high.

117. The paradigm example of carbon-rich soils are peatlands. However, no globally accepted definition of peatland exists. Peatlands have variously been defined as having a minimum peat layer of 20, 30, 45, 50 or 70 cm thick (Agriculture Canada 1987). These numbers have their background in land use and reflect standard plough depths, thickness before consolidation, and suitability for peat extraction, respectively. Recently, the Indonesian Climate Change Centre proposed for mapping purposes a minimum peat depth of 50 cm2. None of these definitions have been informed by climate relevance. In the HCS+ approach the latter aspect must, however, have a central position.
118. With a conservative carbon density of 0.06 g cm-3 (Dommain et al. 2011; Warren et al. 2012), a typical tropical peatland has per ha a carbon stock of 6 tons per cm of peat depth. A lower soil carbon threshold of 40 t C ha-1 (the ‘palm oil equivalent’) then translates in a peat layer of 6.7 cm thick. This means that isolated, very shallow peat covered soils can be converted with little climate concern.

119. An upper soil carbon threshold of 75 t C /ha translates in a peat depth of 12.5 cm. This means that all tropical peatlands, whatever their definition with respect to minimum peat thickness, surpass the uppermost HCS+ threshold value. Therefore, the HCS+ approach merely has to identify the presence of peatlands, not their total soil carbon stock.

120. Whereas the typical Southeast Asian peat largely consists of organic matter, other peats may hold substantial mineral material. Again, ‘peat’ has not been internationally standardised but has, depending on country and discipline, been defined as requiring a minimal content of 5, 15, 30, 50, 65% or more (dry mass) of organic matter (cf. Andrejko et al. 1983, Agriculture Canada 1987, Driessen & Dudal 1991, Succow & Stegmann 2001). For the tropics, Wüst et al. (2003) distinguish between ‘peat’ (with > 45 % organic matter OM), ‘muck’ (35 % < x < 45 % OM), ‘organic-rich soil sediment’ (20 % < x < 35%) and ‘mineral soil or sediment’ (<20 % OM). The threshold between organic and mineral soils is in most classification systems between 20-35 % OM (~12-20 % organic carbon; cf. Wüst et al. 2003). The latter definition is largely in line with the definition of ‘organic soil’ of FAO and IPCC (see below). The World Reference Base for soil resources (WRB 2014) uses a minimum of 20 % organic carbon (~ 35 % OM) to qualify as an organic soil. The commonly referred to FAO definition of ‘histosol’ (1998, 2006/7) is rather complex: It refers not only to the thickness of soil layers and their organic content but also to their origin, underlying material, clay content and annual period of water saturation.

121. The amount of soil organic matter (SOM) is commonly expressed as a percentage of the dry bulk weight of a soil. This weight percentage does not translate linearly into the climatically more relevant carbon density Cd, as SOM is lighter than mineral soil components. The lower boundary for carbon content of an FAO organic soil is 18% by weight in a soil otherwise consisting of clay. The bulk density of this soil is about 0.14 g cm-3 (Ruehlmann & Körschens 2009), which means the Cd is 0.026 g cm-3. Increased amounts of SOM result in lower dry weight and consequently Cd is calculated as a higher percentage of a lower weight. As a result, Cd decreases to 0.024 g cm-3 for a carbon content of 30% and then increases to 0.06 g cm-3 for a purely organic soil (57% C; see above). So the Cd of an organic soil with admixture of clay is always higher than 0.02 g cm-3. The value of 0.02g cm-3 corresponds to the lowest values in the analysis of Warren et al. (2012) on Indonesian peat soils. For such soils, a lower threshold of 40 t C ha-1 would be achieved with an organic soil thickness of 20 cm, an upper threshold of 75 t C ha-1 with a thickness of 37.5 cm (Figure L). When sand is mixed in, the bulk density of the soil is much higher and Cd is never below 0.06 g cm-3 (Figure L).

122. This means that tropical organic soils always surpass an uppermost 75 t C threshold value when they have an organic layer of more than 37.5 cm thickness, whatever its organic matter content may be, and mostly this is achieved with a thickness of 12.5 cm.

References cited in draft report specifically mentioning "peat" in titles include:
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  • Couwenberg, J., Hooijer, A. (2013). Towards robust subsidence-based soil carbon emission factors for peat soils in south-east Asia, with special reference to oil palm plantations. Mires and Peat, 12, Article 01, 1–13.
  • Dommain, R., Couwenberg, J., Joosten, H. (2011). Development and carbon sequestration of tropical peat domes in south-east Asia: links to postglacial sea-level changes and Holocene climate variability. Quaternary Science Reviews 30: 999-1010.
  • Englhart, S., Jubanski, J., Siegert, F. (2013). Quantifying Dynamics in Tropical Peat Swamp Forest Biomass with Multi-Temporal LiDAR Datasets. Remote Sensing, 5(5).
  • Jaenicke, J., Rieley, J.O., Mott, C., Kimman, P., Siegert, F. (2008). Determination of the amount of carbon stored in Indonesian peatlands. Geoderma 147:51–158.
  • Lähteenoja, O., Ruokolainen, K., Schulman, L., Alvarez, J. (2009). Amazonian floodplains harbour minerotrophic and ombrotrophic peatlands. Catena 79:140–145.
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