palm oil

Khor Reports: Palm Oil News Dashboard, Apr 2018

Here is #KhorReports #PalmOil blog news wrap in a new format - as a dashboard. We hope you find it useful! Please click on supply-side and/or demand-side issues. You can also select by country and news topic (type 1 and type 2, for sub-type). It's all interlinked. 

For now, this is best accessed on a desktop / tablet. A phone layout has been set up, but we are figuring out the access. Please try the "enter full screen mode" option in the grey bar at the bottom right of the dashboard.

The Khor Reports' Palm Oil Blog archive (2011-1Q2018) has been transported here.

(c) 2018, Khor Reports - Segi Enam Advisors Pte Ltd. All rights reserved.

Foreign Workers in Malaysia: Case Study of Oil Palm in Johor and Sabah

Foreign Workers in Malaysia: Case Study of Oil Palm in Johor and Sabah

The spatial distribution of foreign workers in Malaysia is a topic that has not been well studied. Khor Reports fill the knowledge gap with a preliminary review of the district-level data for the entire country. We analyse the foreign worker ratio in each district and an oil palm zone case study for Johor and Sabah offer new insights.