Sneak Peek! A Preliminary View (and a Dashboard) for Durians in China

It is up! After a couple of months of mining and examining about 3,300 lines of data, Khor Reports is pleased to present to you our preliminary view of durians in China.

In the post, we talk about the spike in interest for the King of Fruits as well as the possible ramifications of the rather dramatic increase in demand for durians from China. We’ve also thrown in a dashboard of consolidated data which illustrates an overall view regarding the local durian farmscape, products, and China retail indicators—feel free to play around with it!

Click here to read the full post.

#Durian #MusangKing #China #Malaysia #ChinaMalaysia

Malaysia Durian Exports - Market Research Advisory

The NEW Durian Economics of Malaysia: Exports, farms and the competitive landscape by Khor Yu Leng, Sep 2019

Reviews certified supply-chain and farmscape of Malaysia, product competitive landscape in China and its key provinces, public interest in durian and other imported fruits, Thailand export status, and price indicators (farm, export, import and China retail).

A must for those eyeing the export market.

Please contact

Climate Change & ASEAN - Review of Recent Policy Issues at the 10th AIPA Caucus

At Parlimen Malaysia last week, I reviewed recent policy issues on #climatechange and #ASEAN. It was a brief lit review. For background, I also had the chance to talk to researchers from Oxford and Cambridge, to drill on certain economic questions.

All ASEAN delegates were concerned on climate risks in the region. Progress and plans mentioned by each country. Including some discussion on #carbontax, with Singapore reflecting on its implementation. Regret on low #carbonprice was noted by Cambodia. #Wasteplastics and #landfill concerns and also caution on #incinerators.

On the sidelines, a good chat with Vietnam expert on #coconuts, farmer income, high yield and #Intercropping options; regret on the income problems for younger rural families in monocrop zones of #oilpalm and #rubber.

Had a chance to meet delegates from most member states, but Thailand and Indonesia not present due to political transitions. Other working group tracks on women, children & trafficking and terrorism.

At the 10th AIPA Caucus, Kuala Lumpur, Jun 2019

At the 10th AIPA Caucus, Kuala Lumpur, Jun 2019

Recent Commentaries on Durian

Mulling the economic and price implications of freezing durians, an important change in the Malaysian durian supply chain. Price transparency is an issue. Interviewed for “China to buy US$120 million of durians a year from Malaysia as spike in sales expected after green light on export of whole fruits,” 18 Jun 2019, Tashny Sukumuran, SCMP.

On durian prices and grades. A hefty bill for Malaysia fans? But why are Singapore prices cited as lower? BFM podcast, “WOULD YOU DUIT FOR DURIAN?” Khor Yu Leng, Independent Political Economist, Segi Enam Advisors 04-Jun-19. Produced by Tasha Fusil, BFM.

Big boys getting into Malaysia durian? Property tycoon Lim Kang Hoo connects China players (including Greenland) with FGV Berhad. He also buys Mahathir-linked. Value-added durian products eyes. Durian pizza? “As Malaysia ramps up its durian exports to China, quirky product offerings may be answer to rivalling Thailand’s dominance,” by Khor Yu-Leng, 6 May 2019, SCMP Commentary.

 #durian #Malaysia #China #ChinaMalaysia #BRI

Via Linkedin Profile, other commentaries and interviews in the media are linked here.


Incinerator Plans May Soften Malaysia's Approach on Waste Plastics

Incinerator Plans May Soften Malaysia's Approach on Waste Plastics

The Pakatan Harapan administration has worked hard on the waste plastics tide that hit the shores of Malaysia in 2017-2018 (see Diagram 1 for our review of UN Comtrade data). But there is widening concern that a fast track plan for a dozen or more incinerators softens its waste plastics stance.

Selangor eyes two incinerators or waste-to-energy plants at Jeram and Tanjung Dua Belas to cost RM1.5 billion with a China company. It was China waste processors who rushed to Malaysia and other ASEAN countries like Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia to offshore their activities on China's ban of waste plastic imports. If it is to be a dozen incinerators close to the indicative Selangor cost, the total could be RM9 billion.

At the one year anniversary of the Pakatan Harapan administration, Prime Minister Mahathir rated his cabinet "5 out of 10." How will Malaysians rate this new ambitious incinerator-waste strategy?

Penang Landslide Tragedy (Second with Major Loss of Life)

Recently (and once again), a land use change tragedy in #Penang, #Malaysia. Recent news items (plus an older review by Mongabay, and link to Anil Netto’s blog for more details on Penang land development) immediately below. And at the bottom, a political-economy of #landdevelopment in Malaysia.

For a political economy context review, do check out…. May 6, 2018: MALAYSIA: THE POLITICAL-ECONOMY OF LAND DEVELOPMENT (OR THE POLITICS OF FLOODS) BY KHOR YU LENG

This #ISEAS Yusof Ishak seminar should be interesting: Malaysia’s #Flood Catastrophes: Examining the Past, Learning from the Present, and Changing the Future. Date: Monday, 12 November 2018. Fiona Clare Williamson (Assistant Professor in Science, Technology and Society at Singapore Management University) and Ngai Weng Chan (Professor of Water Resources Management at the Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang, Malaysia).

On the Rural Political Economy of Malaysia

This is looking back a bit,  but thought it might be useful to draw together here various media interviews and think tank articles I have had on this subject. Primarily on the Felda-FGV political economy.

Recent and upcoming:

  • A radio show interview. GE14 - BECAUSE FELDA MATTERS by KHOR Yu Leng, Independent Political Economist, Segi Enam Advisors 08-May-18 11:13 on BFM 89.9 The Business Station.

  • Two topics in commentary: 'FELDA in GE14 - New Access to the BN Fortress and a Takeover Rumour' in The Edge Malaysia

  • Research article comparing the voting preference and socio-economic indicators for Felda settlements and kampung biasa in GE14.

Playing palm oil politics ahead of Malaysia’s elections By KHOR Yu Leng - East Asia Forum, Australia National University, Crawford School, 26 April 2018.

The FELDA Quarrel and its National Ramifications By KHOR Yu Leng - ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, 12 Jul 2017.

Malaysia Paddy Fields Are Najib’s Battlefield to Woo Voters By Shamim Adam, Bloomberg, June 20, 2016.

The Political Tussle Over Felda Land Schemes by KHOR Yu Leng - Kajian Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2014.

Others include interviews on Al Jazeera news.

Also, do read:

Voting Behaviour in FELDA Parliamentary Constituencies since 2004 by Geoffrey Pakiam, 26 Apr 2018.

Coalitions in Collision: Malaysia's 13th General Elections, Ed. J Saravanamuttu et al., 2015. Chapters by Maznah Mohamad and KHOR Yu Leng.

#Felda #FGV #Malaysia #PRU14 #GE14 #PRU13 #GE13 #PoliticalEconomy #GeneralElection