Segi Enam attended a Stakeholder Dialogue at Tamu Hotel & Suites Kuala Lumpur organised by the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) from 31st October to 1st November 2022. Former Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities opened the dialogue emphasising the need to focus more on the upstream market with concerted efforts to comply with US and EU regulations. The keynote address by Dr Michael Berger, CEO of Programme of the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) was focused on the recent policy change by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) on the cut-off date. During the FSC General Assembly in Bali on 13th October 2022, the members passed Motion 37/2021 which changes the cut-off date for authorised forest conversion from November 1994 to December 31 2020. Read more about it here.
CEO of MTCC, Siti Syaliza Mustapha spoke about Malaysia’s commitment to maintaining 50% of forest cover. Currently, approximately 5.6 million ha is certified by Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS), which is also looking to expand certification to non-timber forest plantation products, primarily natural rubber, bamboo, rattan and honey/honeycomb - essentially rubber and NTFPs gone industrial. There is also ongoing work to maintain its status with PEFC every 5 years and plans to look into the European Union (EU) new deforestation regulation.
The dialogue was separated into a few different sessions, each with its own focus. Stakeholders from various groups were invited to speak and share their thoughts, and the meeting was convened primarily on the new non-forest certification draft titled “Guidelines on Application of Requirements for Non-Timber Forest Products Certification in MTCS ST 1002:2021 Malaysian Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management under the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme”.