Year end is quite the time to catch up! Over the last 10 days or so... #KhorReports mini open house, a #palmweekly meet up, book Year end is quite the time to catch up! Over the last 10 days or so... #KhorReports mini open house today, a #palmweekly meet up, book launch of Prof Hong Hai's "The Rule of Culture, Corporate and State #Governance in China and East Asia", social listening data with Danni, interview spot with Melissa at Channel News Asia, and a soap making intro session by Angeline (trimming soap bars this afternoon, and calculating the mixture with #palmoil, #oliveoil, #coconutoil, #castoroil a few days ago). of Prof Hong Hai's "The Rule of Culture, Corporate and State #Governance in China and East Asia", social listening data with Danni, interview spot with Melissa at Channel News Asia, and a soap making intro session by Angeline (trimming soap bars, and calculating the mixture with #palmoil, #oliveoil, #coconutoil, #castoroil a few days ago).
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